Best String puppet Childrens Gifts Handmade in India

String puppet Childrens Gifts Handmade in India
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Here are some of the great features of String puppet Childrens Gifts Handmade in India

ShalinIndia , The craft of making puppets, or katputali, was practiced by the Putli Bhats, a community of performing artists of Jaipur, Rajasthan who travelled from village to village with their portable theatres entertaining gathering with depiction of the exploits of local heroes in exchange for remuneration in cash, livestock or a portion of the patron's harvest. As this form of entertainment gained popularity with royal courts of Rajasthan, the Putli Bhat community settled in different kingdom developing puppets in the image of the ruler, the queen and members of court such as the court dancer, acrobats, snake charmers, magicians and ministers; and a narrative repertoire based on tales of the king's bravery, kindness and numerous conquest. The katputli have no legs but are draped in long trailing skirts of leheriya or bandhej that are decorated with gota work. The male puppets have feet or footwear. The wood is chosen according to the character to be made, and is coated with a protective layer of chalk and then painted; the face is completed with painting of stylized elongated eyes. ...

  • Clothing from old saree fabric
  • Created by artisans of Rajasthan
  • Puppet marionettes from India
  • Puppet face in wood
  • Finger strings

String puppet Childrens Gifts
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